Monday, November 3, 2008

Statistics Needed

As we approach the end of the year, it is time to re evaluate and prepare for the new year. As part of an on going effort towards Good Governance, Transparency and Accountability, I would like to tabulate some facts and figures.

I would hope to have all interested parties to provide information on the following so that I can tabulate and share out with everybody. In this way, we can all at least have a guide to what we are paying for utilities, services also helps us to show to the owners if need to increase maintenance fees etc because I am sure rising costs will hit all of us soon..

1. Your Apartment / Condo Name - no of units / local council
2. Month Maintenance Fee / RM per Sq ft
3. What facilities: club house / pool / tennis etc etc
4. Security company - your current fees
5. Mgmt Company - fees and number of staff
6. Other Contractors - Services - Fee ie cleaners, landscaping, pool maintenance
7. Parking Rental

any other information

Please email your response to

I hope to be able to tabulate all these by the end of november, and be able to have and share out and average cost for each services etc that may be useful to all of us by the end of december. The more numbers we have, I am sure the more accurate the figures will be....

Thank you, guys


1 comment:

SimpleSimon said...

Good idea. I look forward to seeing some statistics on condo expenses and rates.