Ucapan Penangguhan YB Teresa Kok (Seputeh) di Dewan Rakyat Pada 29 Jun 2009
Demi menyelesaikan masalah pembeli rumah di projek perumahan strata, Akta Bangunan Dan Harta Bersama (Penyenggaraan dan pengurusan) 2007 [Akta 663] diwujudkan supaya pembeli dan pemaju boleh menyenggarakan harta bersama sebelum hak milik strata sesebuah bangunan dikeluarkan.
Walaubagaimanapun, banyak kelemahan berlaku sehingga menimbulkan pertelingkahan antara pemaju, pembeli dan Badan Pengurusan Bersama atau JMB selepas Akta 663 dilaksanakan. Akta 663 ini kelihatan tidak mampu menangani isu-isu penyenggaraan harta bersama di projek perumahan strata yang sangat kompleks.
Kelemahan Akta 663 yang ketara adalah seperti berikut:
i) Banyak peruntukan dalam akta ini menggariskan tanggungjawab pemaju dengan jelas tetapi kesalnya, akta ini tidak menetapkan peruntukan yang memberi kuasa kepada Commission of Building (COB) untuk mendakwa pemaju sekiranya pemaju tidak melaksanakan tanggungjawabnya seperti gagal membentangkan akaun audit projek dan sebagainya.
ii) Akta 663 terletak di bawah Kementerian Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan manakala Akta Hakmilik Strata 1985 [Akta 318] di bawah Kementerian Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar. Keadaan ini menyebabkan wujudnya keadaan di mana tiada penyelarasan di antara kedua-dua Akta berkaitan. Dengan itu, berlakulah pertindihan tanggungjawab antara JMB di bawah Akta 663 dengan pemilik asal atau pemaju semasa tempoh permulaan di bawah Akta 318, serta tanggungjawab pembeli untuk membayar caj perkhidmatan kepada akaun Kumpulan Wang Penyenggaraan Bangunan yang ditadbir di bawah JMB atau Kumpulan Wang Pengurusan yang ditadbir oleh pemaju.
Saya terima banyak keluhan daripada pembeli di mana JMB tidak dapat ditubuhkan di projek pemajuan mereka yang telah membuka buku daftar strata kerana peruntukan Akta 663 telah mengecualikan penubuhan JMB bagi kawasan pemajuan yang telah ditubuhkan Perbadanan Pengurusan (MC) di bawah Akta 318. Ini mengakibatkan hak pembeli untuk terlibat secara langsung dalam urusan penyenggaraan harta bersama tidak dapat diberikan.
Selain itu, perbezaan terma yang digunapakai antara Akta 663 dan Akta 318 juga mengakibatkan kekeliruan apabila JMB dan MC ditubuhkan.
Misalannya, Ahli Jawatankuasa Pengurusan Bersama terdiri daripada 5 hingga 12 orang di bawah Akta 663 manakala Majlis Perbadanan Pengurusan terdiri daripada 3 hingga 14 orang di bawah Akta 318. Justeru itu, kekaburan dalam Akta 663 perlu dimasukkan dalam Kaedah Akta 663 yang perlu diwujudkan segera oleh Kementerian Perumahan Dan Kerajaan Tempatan.
Saya juga ingin menyarankan, tribunal atau mahkamah khas Pesuruhjaya Bangunan perlu diwujudkan supaya penguatkuasaan yang berkesan dapat dijalankan dan pertikaian yang melibatkan semakan perundangan dapat diselesaikan dengan cepat dan efektif.
Selain itu, saya mencadangkan kerajaan supaya mengambil inisiatif untuk menjadikan lif di projek pemajuan strata kos rendah sebagai infrastruktur dan aset kerajaan melalui kaedah pajakan dan diinsuranskan untuk mengurangkan beban pembeli yang tidak mampu membiayai kos penyenggaraan lif yang sangat tinggi disamping masalah vandalisme yang kerap berlaku.
Rentetan dengan isu pemotongan bekalan air dan elektrik yang hampir berlaku di semua projek pemajuan strata, saya mencadangkan supaya pindaan kepada Akta Industri Perkhidmatan Air 2006 [Akta 655] atau Enakmen Pembekalan Air 1997 dan Akta Bekalan Elektrik 1990 [Akta 447] dibuat dengan memasukkan peruntukan yang membolehkan pemakaian bil meter air dan elektrik harta bersama dicajkan terus kepada pembeli, supaya setiap pembeli bertanggungjawab terhadap penggunaan air dan elektrik kepada petaknya dan harta bersama, dan pemotongan bekalan air dan elektrik hanya melibatkan pembeli yang tidak membayar bil air dan elektrik.
YB Teresa Kok Suh Sim
Ahli Parlimen Seputeh
Tuan Yang Di-Pertua.
Kementerian sedar mengenai beberapa kelemahan yang terdapat dalam peruntukan Akta 663 khususnya berkaitan peruntukan kuasa Pesuruhjaya Bangunan untuk mendakwa pemaju yang gagal melaksanakan tanggungjawabnya. Walaubagaimanapun, untuk makluman Dewan Yang Mulia ini, Akta 663 telah menyatakan beberapa peruntukan kuasa pendakwaan kepada Pesuruhjaya Bangunan terhadap pemaju seperti:
1 Seksyen S.5(5)
Kesalahan: Kegagalan menjalankan Mesyuarat Pertama oleh Pemaju
Penalti: Jika sabit kesalahan boleh dikenakan denda tidak melebihi RM 2,000.00 atau 3 bulan penjara.
2. Seksyen S.17(7)
Kesalahan: Kegagalan Pemaju menghantar penyata, laporan, akaun dan maklumat berkaitan Akaun Penyelenggaraan Bangunan seperti yang dinyatakan oleh Pesuruhjaya Bangunan.
Penalti: Jika sabit kesalahan boleh didenda tidak kurang daripada RM 10,000.00 dan tidak lebih daripada RM 100,000.00 dan tambahan RM 1,000.00 bagi tiap-tiap hari kesalahan yang diteruskan selepas sabitan.
3. Seksyen S.20
Kesalahan: Larangan mengutip Caj sebelum pembukaan Akaun Penyelenggaraan Bangunan dan Pemilikan Kosong
Oleh Pemaju atau Badan.
Penalti: Jika sabit kesalahan boleh didenda tidak lebih daripada RM 100,000.00 atau dipenjarakan tidak melebihi
satu (1) tahun atau kedua-duanya.
4. Seksyen S.21
Kesalahan: Kegagalan Pemaju (bagi projek siap sebelum dan pada 12 April 2007 dan Perbadanan Pengurusan (MC)
belum ditubuhkan) menyerahkan Akaun Penyelenggaraan yang di audit kepada Pesuruhjaya Bangunan.
Penalti: Jika sabit kesalahan boleh didenda tidak kurang daripada RM 10,000.00 atau dipenjarakan selama tempoh
tidak melebihi satu (1) tahun atau kedua-duanya.
5. Seksyen S.31
Kesalahan: Kegagalan Pemaju mendepositkan Kepada Pesuruhjaya Bangunan bagi Maksud membaiki harta bersama Selepas disiapkan.
Penalti: Jika sabit kesalahan boleh didenda tidak melebihi RM 5,000.00 dan tambahan tidak melebihi RM 50.00
setiap hari jika diteruskan selepas sabitan.
Tuan Yang DiPertua,
Kementerian juga sedar mengenai masalah pengurusan yang dihadapi oleh penghuni-penghuni rumah ber strata ini. Oleh yang demikian, Kementerian sedang melakukan beberapa usaha seperti berikut ;
1. Sedang melaksanakan usaha penambahbaikan Akta Bangunan dan Harta Bersama (Akta 663) dengan menubuhkan Jawatankuasa-Jawatankuasa berkaitan pindaan Akta 663 yang melibatkan Pertubuhan-Pertubuhan Bukan Kerajaan, Jabatan Kerajaan dan Pesuruhjaya Bangunan di Kawasan Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan.
2. Menubuhkan Jawatankuasa Bersama antara Jabatan Ketua Pengarah Tanah Dan Galian dan Jabatan Perumahan Negara bagi menyelaraskan peruntukan undang-undang berkaitan pengurusan bangunan yang mempunyai Hakmilik Strata yang terdapat dalam Akta Bangunan dan Harta Bersama (Akta 663) dan Akta Hakmilik Strata (Akta 318). Antara keputusan Jawatankuasa Bersama tersebut adalah menghasilkan dua Akta yang lebih khusus. Akta 663 akan meliputi semua hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan pengurusan manakala Penyenggaraan Bangunan dan Harta dan Akta Hakmilik Strata akan hanya melibatkan hal-hal berkaitan hakmilik dan pendaftaran hakmilik. Ini bermakna penyelarasan akan dilakukan dengan cara lebih holistik termasuklah penyelarasan daripada segi ;
2.1 Interpretasi
2.2 Pentadbiran
2.3 Terminologi
2.4 Kaedah , peraturan, jadual
2.5 Kuasa pegawai, dan
2.6 Hal-hal lain.
3. Kementerian berpendapat cadangan penubuhan Tribunal pada masa ini tidak perlu kerana segala aduan dan semakan pertikaian boleh dikemukakan kepada Pihak Berkuasa Negeri masing-masing bagi mendapatkan keputusan.
4. Lif merupakan sebahagian daripada Harta Bersama dalam sesebuah kawasan pemajuan. Pada masa ini tiada hakmilik khusus dikeluarkan kepada mana-mana bangunan dan kawasan harta bersama. Oleh yang demikian, urusan pajakan lif tidak dapat dijalankan. Walaubagaimanapun, peruntukan sedia ada tidak menghalang Badan Pengurusan Bersama (JMB) memasukkan cadangan menginsuran lif sebagai salah satu perbelanjaan pengurusan kawasan pemajuan tersebut.
5. Bagi cadangan pindaan Akta Industri Bekalan Air 2006 (Akta 665) atau Enakmen Pembekalan Air 1997 dan Akta Bekalan Letrik 1990 (Akta 447), ianya terletak di bawah bidang kuasa Kementerian lain.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Standing by YOU!
Come forward, buyers of abandoned condo urged
THE Platinum Damansara Buyers Pro tem Committee is urging more affected buyers to come forward in a bid to resolve problems surrounding the abandoned condominium project in Ara Damansara, Petaling Jaya.
According to the committee, the project developer got into difficulties and stopped construction in the middle of 2007 without informing the buyers.
In December 2007, the buyers received letters sent by a firm on behalf of the developer, proposing a takeover by an investor and requesting the buyers to forgo certain benefits offered when the units were initially sold.
By February 2008, the debenture holder had appointed a company as Receivers and Managers of the project.
The committee held a meeting with about 50 affected buyers, in the hope of seeking new avenues they could pursue.
Several issues were brought up by the committee members during the meeting in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday, such as how the developer did not have a bank account and that only 30% of the project was completed based on overall assessment, as well as getting legal aid.
The main concern of the buyers was that most had already paid 80% of the cost of the units and were looking for a solution to reduce their instalment payments.
Committee chairman Lawrence Ang said they would be seeking the state government’s help on the matter.
He said they would also be meeting the officers from the National Housing Department tomorrow.
There are 674 affected buyers of the project.
Those who are affected and want more information can log on to http://platinumdamansara.org/.
THE Platinum Damansara Buyers Pro tem Committee is urging more affected buyers to come forward in a bid to resolve problems surrounding the abandoned condominium project in Ara Damansara, Petaling Jaya.
According to the committee, the project developer got into difficulties and stopped construction in the middle of 2007 without informing the buyers.
In December 2007, the buyers received letters sent by a firm on behalf of the developer, proposing a takeover by an investor and requesting the buyers to forgo certain benefits offered when the units were initially sold.
By February 2008, the debenture holder had appointed a company as Receivers and Managers of the project.
The committee held a meeting with about 50 affected buyers, in the hope of seeking new avenues they could pursue.
Several issues were brought up by the committee members during the meeting in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday, such as how the developer did not have a bank account and that only 30% of the project was completed based on overall assessment, as well as getting legal aid.
The main concern of the buyers was that most had already paid 80% of the cost of the units and were looking for a solution to reduce their instalment payments.
Committee chairman Lawrence Ang said they would be seeking the state government’s help on the matter.
He said they would also be meeting the officers from the National Housing Department tomorrow.
There are 674 affected buyers of the project.
Those who are affected and want more information can log on to http://platinumdamansara.org/.
The Light At The End Of The Tunnel?
Water meter migration mandatory in Selangor
THOSE who live in flats, apartments and condominiums will be able to enjoy the Selangor government’s free water benefit soon as the water meter migration has been made mandatory.
The Selangor government last week decided to make it compulsory for all high-rise developments to change the existing bulk water meters to individual meters.
“All developers, management agents, management corporations and joint management boards are required to iron out with Syabas all the problems they face which hinder the migration process.
“Any developer who refuses will be blacklisted by the state government,” Selangor Housing, Building and Squatter Management chairman Iskandar Abdul Samad said.
He said the decision was made by Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim during the Selangor Economic Action Com-mittee Meeting last week.
The free water policy, which was implemented by the state government after the March 2008 election, allows property owners to enjoy the first 20 cubic metres of water for free. However, the policy covers only those who have individual account billing using their individual water meters. The policy did not cover the majority of residents in high-rise buildings, which have bulk water meter system. It includes the low-income group staying in low-cost flats.
“Previously, Syabas would only allow the migration from bulk to individual water meter if all unit owners agreed to the migration. Syabas had also required all arrears to be settled before the migration,” Iskandar said.
Exemption from the 100% agreement by owners was only made when the owners were foreigners or in the process of selling their units.
Changing to individual water meters would allow owners to pay 57sen per cubic metre instead of the RM1.38 per cubic metre for apartments and condominiums and 80sen per cubic metre for low-cost flats that they are now paying. Currently, condominium residents have higher water bills as they are charged commercial rates as opposed to those with landed property, who pay a lower rate.
The accounts for the bulk meters are under the name of the management corporations (MCs) or the developers, so the rates are based on commercial rates.
A bulk water bill is sent to the management company, which in turn will charge the units for the amount of water used.
Problems arise when some of the residents fail to settle their water bills and accumulate arrears over the years, and water supply to the whole building is cut.
“Those who pay their bills on time will not have to worry about that problem as supply will only be cut to those who fail to pay their own bill, not on the bulk meter,” Iskandar said.
The fact that every one can get individual accounts was good news to many high-rise residents.
“We’ve been waiting for this. We’ve been asking the state government to make this water meter migration exercise mandatory.
“We are happy that it is finally coming true,” said Condominium, Apartment and High-rise Com-mittee (CAHC) pro tem chairman Tengku Nazaruddin Zainuddin.
He said they had received numerous complaints by condominium owners and residents on difficulties faced from the bulk meter issue.
Most of them, he said, could not switch to individual meters because of their failure to get the consent of all the residents.
He added that some MCs and developers were also not in favour of the migration. Many MCs are using the water meter as a bargaining tool to force owners to pay the maintenance fees, as MCs issued both bills together.
Haryati Hamzah, who lives in a medium-cost apartment in Damansara Damai, Petaling Jaya, said the move would enable her to save on her monthly bills.
The mother of four said her current water bill was more than RM50 per month. “We surely can use the money on something else, especially during the hard times now,” said the housewife.
THOSE who live in flats, apartments and condominiums will be able to enjoy the Selangor government’s free water benefit soon as the water meter migration has been made mandatory.
The Selangor government last week decided to make it compulsory for all high-rise developments to change the existing bulk water meters to individual meters.
“All developers, management agents, management corporations and joint management boards are required to iron out with Syabas all the problems they face which hinder the migration process.
“Any developer who refuses will be blacklisted by the state government,” Selangor Housing, Building and Squatter Management chairman Iskandar Abdul Samad said.
He said the decision was made by Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim during the Selangor Economic Action Com-mittee Meeting last week.
The free water policy, which was implemented by the state government after the March 2008 election, allows property owners to enjoy the first 20 cubic metres of water for free. However, the policy covers only those who have individual account billing using their individual water meters. The policy did not cover the majority of residents in high-rise buildings, which have bulk water meter system. It includes the low-income group staying in low-cost flats.
“Previously, Syabas would only allow the migration from bulk to individual water meter if all unit owners agreed to the migration. Syabas had also required all arrears to be settled before the migration,” Iskandar said.
Exemption from the 100% agreement by owners was only made when the owners were foreigners or in the process of selling their units.
Changing to individual water meters would allow owners to pay 57sen per cubic metre instead of the RM1.38 per cubic metre for apartments and condominiums and 80sen per cubic metre for low-cost flats that they are now paying. Currently, condominium residents have higher water bills as they are charged commercial rates as opposed to those with landed property, who pay a lower rate.
The accounts for the bulk meters are under the name of the management corporations (MCs) or the developers, so the rates are based on commercial rates.
A bulk water bill is sent to the management company, which in turn will charge the units for the amount of water used.
Problems arise when some of the residents fail to settle their water bills and accumulate arrears over the years, and water supply to the whole building is cut.
“Those who pay their bills on time will not have to worry about that problem as supply will only be cut to those who fail to pay their own bill, not on the bulk meter,” Iskandar said.
The fact that every one can get individual accounts was good news to many high-rise residents.
“We’ve been waiting for this. We’ve been asking the state government to make this water meter migration exercise mandatory.
“We are happy that it is finally coming true,” said Condominium, Apartment and High-rise Com-mittee (CAHC) pro tem chairman Tengku Nazaruddin Zainuddin.
He said they had received numerous complaints by condominium owners and residents on difficulties faced from the bulk meter issue.
Most of them, he said, could not switch to individual meters because of their failure to get the consent of all the residents.
He added that some MCs and developers were also not in favour of the migration. Many MCs are using the water meter as a bargaining tool to force owners to pay the maintenance fees, as MCs issued both bills together.
Haryati Hamzah, who lives in a medium-cost apartment in Damansara Damai, Petaling Jaya, said the move would enable her to save on her monthly bills.
The mother of four said her current water bill was more than RM50 per month. “We surely can use the money on something else, especially during the hard times now,” said the housewife.
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